My HerStory in Brief

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My Beginnings: I was raised surrounded by the beauty of the sea and the woods. Descended from several Mayflower Pilgrims, my father had Scottish, Welch, British and Northern European roots. During the war his ships were torpedoed, leaving him twice adrift at sea. Those experiences created a risk-taking entrepreneur, but mid-career he gently settled into the life of a working artist. By 18 my mother had lost her only sibling and beloved mother. She escaped to the New England Conservatory of Music. There she earned her degree and simultaneously experienced a brief but brilliant career as an opera singer. Her first immigrant ancestor, a French Jesuit, arrived in 1618. His written history includes my Nipissing 10th great-grandmother, giving me the privilege of knowing her name. Bahmahmaaadjimowin.   

My Awakening: In my freshman year of high school, our principal asked what college I planned to attend. When I answered, "Harvard," he actually sputtered. "You'll never be accepted there." Goaded by my mother's scholarship hopes, I had already built an impressive resume, so I dared ask, "Why not?" His answer? An incredulous "You do understand... you're a girl?"  

My Journey:  When Southern California beckoned, I immersed myself in learning, music and building business skills. I married a graduate student who entered international banking, and we spent several years living out of the country. Upon our return, I began writing successful business financing and government proposals. That venture grew into a financial services company. In 2009, after our son graduated from Harvard (yes, dreams can take a generation), I retired my database. Since that time I have been enthusiastically focused on assisting those in the nonprofit sector achieve their development, grant and long term fundraising goals.

My Work Today:  Purpose is my inspiration. I use my writing skills and creativity to support the people and organizations dedicated to improving our community.  Working with clients on strategic planning, grant proposals, special projects and other consulting continues to excite and reward me. My guiding principle is the responsibility I share with you. We are the Ancestors entrusted with the Wellbeing of the Next Seven Generations. Let's make that future better together. 

My Superpower:  Writing  ~   My Pronouns:  She, Her   ~   My Status:  Grateful to be of Use